Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Mar 2015, Brian Dickson wrote:
>> Given the diagnostic value of "any" (and similarly "RRSIG" et al), I
>> would prefer deprecation of only the UDP version, via mechanisms
>> that are "dig"-friendly.
> A better description would be to require "source IP verification",
> so that eastlake-cookies are also an accepted method.

that wouldn't help. the reason for restricting meta-data queries is
completely unrelated to source ip verification either by tcp 3-way
handshake, cookies, or any other method.

> Of course, it won't really help amplifications via open resolvers that
> will just actually switch to source IP verification transport.

again, the next revision of olafur's document will remove all mention of
amplification/reflection. that meme is dead.

Paul Vixie
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