In message <>, Paul Hoffman writes
> Greetings again. Can one of you summarize the differences between
> sections 4/5 and 6/7 in the recent -01 draft? It seems that the error
> code processing in 4/5 might either be useful or overkill.

I can't think of a good use for the error codes which is why I
didn't add them to SIT.  They are in -01 so the group has the two
formats written down for evaluation.


The senarios I can see that would result in this being sent are:

a) The server is under attack
b) The client has a old cookie
c) Mismatched cookie generation between a anycast instances

and the client can retry with the cookie from the response
or stop sending cookies.

A legitimate client doesn't see the (a) responses.  
For (b) retrying should succeed.  That said tc=1 would also be just as
effective at triggering a retry.
For (c) you are likely to get dueling servers and not progress to
giving the client a valid response.  The client will have to maintain
a BADCOOKIE response counter and then fallback to not sending a COOKIE.


The senarios I can see that would result in this being sent are:

a) The server is under attack
b) The client is badly coded

This should really be a FORMERR if the option length is invalid.


This is just a more precise REFUSED and needs to be a rcode if we
need this level of precision.  Spontaneously adding a cookie opt
to a reply without one doesn't help clients that don't understand
cookies.  Additionally it will be decades before anyone could set
this on the Internet.
> A related question for Don: how close are you to getting
> draft-eastlake-fnv published? For me, it is mandatory for that draft to
> be stable (and hopefully published) before we publish
> draft-ietf-dnsop-cookies in order to make developers comfortable in
> deploying cookies without possibly opening servers and clients to CPU DoS
> attacks.
> --Paul Hoffman
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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