Dear colleagues,

Just a reminder: 

* The draft cutoff for IETF 93 is next Monday, July 6. 
* WG meeting agendas are due the same day.

Please send agenda requests ASAP. 

When you do, please note that we have quite a number of documents in flight and 
were unable to get two meeting slots for Prague (we requested two and then were 
notified there were more requests than possible slots). So f2f meeting time 
will be at something of a premium; if we get as many requests this time as 
we've had for the last couple of meetings, we *will* be forced to say no to 
some of them.

Accordingly, we'll be giving preference to requests regarding work already 
underway, with a clear goal or outcome for the f2f time.  

We've been working hard to make sure we aren't relying on f2f meetings to force 
progress. Much thanks to authors, reviewers, and WG participants who've kept up 
the pace since Dallas!

Suzanne & Tim
DNSOP mailing list

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