On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org> wrote:
> <secretary-hat on>
> Greetings. The WG Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-cookies was supposed to end
> today, but it got extremely little review during the Last Call. It would be
> helpful to all of us if more people can review the document, say what they
> do or don't like about it, and so on.

I've read draft-ietf-dnsop-cookies-05 (a post-WGLC version).

It basically looks good to me to ship: I agree the idea is at least
worth trying, and I see the document is generally well written.

I have some comments and questions that I think may be worth
discussing, however:

- About applicability: I see it can be a useful supplemental measure
  for cache poisoning.  Whether it really helps mainly depends on
  whether the authoritative server operators have an incentive to
  enable it, which I really don't know, but I believe it's at least
  worth trying.  On the other hand, I'm not so sure about mitigating
  reflection/amplification type of DoS attacks.  I thought we've
  reasonably addressed this problem for authoritative servers with the
  surprisingly quick adoption and deployment of RRL (but I may be
  wrong, in which case I'm happy to be corrected).  And so in my
  understanding the main current issue is open resolvers.  But if we
  can expect these resolvers to be updated to support DNS cookies to
  the extent that they are not a main concern, I guess the problem
  would have been resolved much earlier with the support of default
  ACL for those resolvers.  This does not necessarily mean DNS cookies
  are useful for this type of attacks, so it may still be worth
  trying, but the scope of expected attacks can affect how tricky the
  server cookies need to be as described in Section 6.  So, while I do
  not necessarily request to limit the scope, it may be good if the
  draft provides some more detailed discussion on these points.

- Section 4.1

   In order to maintain the security properties of this protocol, a
   client MUST NOT use the same Client Cookie value for requests to all

  Specifically what does this mean?  Does this mean, for example, the
  client generates a different cookie value for a different server
  (identified by its IP address) and maintain the cookie values per
  server basis?

- Section 4.2

   In order to maintain the security properties of this protocol, a
   server MUST NOT use the same Server Cookie value for responses to all

  I'm also not sure how I should interpret this.  Can't we basically
  assume this condition is met because the server cookie contains (in
  some way) the request source address and client cookie?  Of course,
  a naive implementation of how to "contain" them could lead to the
  same server cookie value regardless of the difference of these
  values, but if this sentence tries to avoid such naiveness, I'd make
  the point clearer.

- Section 5.2.3

   Servers MUST, at least occasionally,
   respond to such requests to inform the client of the correct Server

  By saying "occasionally", it could read (to me) as if it intends to
  mean maintaining per-client state.  While a server implementation
  could actually do that, I guess that's something that this draft
  wants to avoid to see.  If so, perhaps something like "randomly"
  instead of "occasionally" may be a better choice.

- Section 5.5

   Clients and servers MUST NOT continue to use the same secret in new
   requests and responses for more than 36 days and SHOULD NOT continue
   to do so for more than 26 hours. Many clients rolling over their

  It would be helpful if the rationale (if any) of these constant
  values (36 days and 26 hours) is explained.

- Section 5.5

   When a server or client starts receiving an increased level of
   requests with bad server cookies or replies with bad client cookies,
   it would be reasonable for it to believe it is likely under attack
   and it should consider a more frequent rollover of its secret.

  It's not very clear to me how a more frequent rollover helps in this
  case.  In such a case the attacker basically keeps trying random
  cookies (right?), so whether or not we do rollover more frequently
  the attacker's odds wouldn't be different.  Or, does this intend to
  minimize the risk in case an attacker actually identifies the valid
  cookie by the random try (by reducing the attackable window)?

JINMEI, Tatuya

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