On 3 Nov 2015, at 01:51, Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong <jaehoon.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi 6man, 6lo and dnsop folks,
> There will be a talk about IoT DNS Name Autoconfiguration 
> in 6man WG's morning session tomorrow, 11/4/2015.
> Title: DNS Name Autoconfiguration for Internet of Things Devices
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jeong-6man-iot-dns-autoconf-00

This was not actually discussed in 6man, 6lo, or dnsop, so I’ll make some 
comments here.

It’s hard to know where to start.

Your document confuses device discovery with service discovery. What a device 
*is* tells you virtually nothing about what it *does*. The “device category” of 
my computer being “laptop” or “tablet” tells you *nothing* about what services 
it offers.

Your document assumes that every search domain your tablet encounters 
(starbucks.com, narita-airport.co.jp, meeting.ietf.org, comcast.com) will allow 
your tablet to create global records in that domain. Clearly this is nonsense.

Having put global address records into starbucks.com, your document assumes 
then assumes that starbucks.com will then allow you do to a zone transfer to 
fetch the entire zone to discover the names of all the other address records in 
starbucks.com. Clearly this is nonsense too.

Your document proposes global address records with names with this form:


For example:


The host name of the cleaning robot keeps changing as it moves around the room, 
requiring continual updates and continual zone transfers to keep track of the 
name as it changes. Clearly this is infeasible.

I would, however, love to get one of these new flying cleaning robots, which 
can be located (as it was in your example), “in the right-upper corner of a 
living room.”

Stuart Cheshire

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