On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 08:36:00PM -0800, Paul Vixie wrote:
> this is the new era of "anything goes" for DNS protocol development. as with 
> client subnet, no 
> matter how bad an idea is, if someone is already doing it, then the ietf 
> documents that use.

I am getting a little tired of this description.  If it's "anything
goes" then we can just give up and go home.

Some people don't like client subnet.  I'm not too convinced that the
architectural arguments against it are so good, but that's a different

I'm much more concerned about snide remarks dismissing the serious
efforts of people as "anything goes".  I think it's unfair, I think it
pretends access to a trancendental goodness that (I am prepared to say
_a priori_) no participant here has, and I think it needlessly
disparages the good faith efforts of many people to make the Internet
better in an environment where we don't all agree about what "better"
is.  I think many of us stand improvement (I here include myself) at
making our arguments less charged.

Best regards,

A (speaking, as usual, for myself only)

Andrew Sullivan

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