Greetings again. As promised during the run-up to RFC 7719, the DNS Terminology draft, we are starting a revision. The goals are:

-In places where the WG came to tentative consensus, strengthen that consensus

-Possibly reorganize and re-categorize the discussion of "resolvers"

-Formally update all the RFCs where we change the definitions

-Fix editorial nits that might have slipped through.

The process for this will be to discuss on the WG mailing list and update the document in the WG's GitHub repo at <>. If you have a GitHub account, you can propose pull requests in the repo in the normal fashion, but it would be good to also open an issue in the GitHub issue tracker and link the issue with the pull request. If you don't have a GitHub account (and don't want to learn GitHub, which is understandable), you can propose things here on the list as normal, and the authors will reflect this in the GitHub repo.

The authors will try to have a new draft at least every month so that the diffs between versions are tractable. For large changes in organization, we will try to make those separate versions so that the diff is cleaner. Who knows whether we will succeed at this.

The -00 draft is pretty much a straight conversion of RFC 7719 into an Internet draft. -01 will be where the interesting stuff starts.

--Paul Hoffman

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