I apologize but in wanting to get two sessions to separate the 6761 riff-raff, we angered the scheduling gods, and they gave us back to back sessions on Friday Morning.

once i get home i'll put together a preliminary agenda

for the chairs,

On 3/12/16 12:05 AM, "IETF Secretariat" wrote:
Dear Tim Wicinski,

The session(s) that you have requested have been scheduled.
Below is the scheduled session information followed by
the original request.

dnsop Session 1 (2:00:00)
     Friday, Morning Session I 1000-1200
     Room Name: Buen Ayre C size: 250
     dnsop Session 2 (1:00:00)
     Friday, Afternoon Session I 1220-1320
     Room Name: Pacifico A size: 300

Request Information:

Working Group Name: Domain Name System Operations
Area Name: Operations and Management Area
Session Requester: Tim Wicinski

Number of Sessions: 2
Length of Session(s):  2 Hours, 1 Hour
Number of Attendees: 140
Conflicts to Avoid:
  First Priority: dprive dnssd homenet appsawg apparea dhc dane dbound
  Second Priority: eppext trans intarea mif v6ops
  Third Priority: sidr saag pcp opsawg opsarea grow 6man

Special Requests:
   With the DNS-OARC meeting the weekend before IETF in the same hotel, we are 
hoping you can book this meeting in the first two days of the conference to 
encourage any participants from OARC to attend.

DNSOP mailing list

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