On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 08:31:45PM -0400,
 Robert Edmonds <edmo...@mycre.ws> wrote 
 a message of 59 lines which said:

> Could the rule be relaxed so that the process of considering whether
> a cached NXDOMAIN in a parent zone is applicable to the name being
> looked up can be delayed until immediately prior to transmitting a
> query to an authoritative server?

The current version of the draft allows this behavior, it was one of
the changes between -00 and -01. -00 was written in a way that could
have been interpreted as "delete data NOW".

> The data model is a tree, yes, but caching up to the maximum TTL
> value allowed is permitted


> and widely expected,

I'm not sure about "widely expected". It seems to me it confuses many
people when QNAME=example elicits NXDOMAIN but a later
QNAME=foobar.example succeeds.

Anyway, keeping cached date as long as the TTL is positive, even if
they are under a NXDOMAIN cut, is allowed (that's the point of a
SHOULD, after all). May be adding at the end of section 5
"Implementation considerations":

Another reason why a resolver could find useful to send positive
responses located under a NXDOMAIN cut, is the case where the resolver
already has cached data (and the TTL is of course not expired) and
continues to serve it. [End of addition]

For the "cache efficiency" and "protection against random QNAME
attacks" motivations, it would change nothing (if the data is cached,
the resolver won't bother the upstream server). But I still find it
disturbing and contrary to the tree model of domain names.

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