On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 10:01:21PM +0530, Mukund Sivaraman wrote:
> Added to that, the "A" record type is also found in some places with RR
> TYPE=1, with the same name "A" for the CH class, where it has a
> completely different RDATA format and meaning. It isn't listed on the
> DNS parameters page, but it is implemented so by BIND and you can find a
> description here:
> http://victor.se/bjorn/its/chaos-dns.php

Wow.  Well, that's helpful to know, so thanks.  The fact that people
in the world are defining RRTYPEs in a class-dependent way without
putting anything in the registry is kinda awful, though.  Certainly
another way in which classes appear to be loaded and aimed at feet.
Thanks for the reference!


Andrew Sullivan

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