
here are the draft minutes from Monday's meeting.

We want to give a bit shout out to Paul Hoffman for putting these together.

If there are any changes you think need to be made, please let us know.

DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group
IETF 96, Berlin
Monday 18 July 2016
Minutes taken Paul Hoffman
Text from slides not included here; please read the slides

Chairs: Tim Wicinski, Suzanne Woolf

Current WG documents:
        Also see

Agenda Bashing, Blue Sheets, etc,

Updates of Old Work
        Three RFCs
        Three drafts in IESG evaluation
        Waiting on two docs
        Five drafts will come through the pipeline
        One draft in call for adoption
        Matt Larson
                ZSK size is increasing, KSK is rolling
        Lots of drafts are being considered for adoption

draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis status: Paul Hoffman
        Aaron Falk: If we can't agree on a term, maybe we should stop using the 
        Benno Overeinder: Are we also looking for implementations?
                Paul: No.

draft-ietf-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse: Warren Kumari
        Aaron: Your amount dropped below where it started, are legitimate 
queries being dropped?
                Warren: We did check, and we're quite sure
        John Levine: You could instead be mirroring the root
                Warren: Yes, but this helps for some DDoS
                John: Also usable for IPv6 reverse DNS blacklists
                        You have old advice
        Duane Wessels: Did you turn this on for everything?
                Warren: Yes

TLS-TCP-DNS implementation: Sara Dickinson
        Lots of recent improvement, including this weekend at the hackathon
                Both authoritative and stubs
        Ondrej Sury: Can you add padding to the server tests?

draft-bellis-dnsop-session-signal: Ray Bellis
        Ben Schwartz: How does interact with HTTP wire format draft?
                Ray: Should not be bad
                Ben: HTTP 2 allows out-of-order
        Aaron: The PLUS BoF on Thursday might be of interest, this might be a 
user of PLUS
        Stewart Cheshire: These sessions defines a session of a particular 
type, so it can run over any transport that handles it
                Do we use something small (will surprise tools) or EDNS0?
                        Suzanne: take that to the list

draft-wkumari-dnsop-multiple-responses: Wes Hardaker and Warren Kumari
        Ralf Weber: EXTRA record allows DOSing
                Wes: Suggest to have policy on when to use
        Christian Huitema: Browsers already do something like this
                Is this really worth it?
                Warren: There is more than the web
                Wes: This does not help a resolver that has already cached the 
information, of course
                Christian: Double-optimization may lead to worse performance
        Jim Reid: Similar to an ANY amplification attack
                Can we get some data on what the optimization benefit will 
before we move forwards on this?
                Warren: yes, we shoud
        Sara: How does this affect client-subnet
                Warren: Has to be from the authoritative server
        Marc Blanchet: Any problem with DNS64?
                Warren: Yes, DNSSEC
        Teddy Hogeborn: Issue with format of record
                Wes: This will probably change
                Teddy: This might help because of SRV
        David Lawrence: With client-subnet, you'll have to give the most 
specific answer
                An authoritative server should need to be sure that it was 
                Wes: You have that issue today with DNSSEC and TTLs
        Hums: Lots of people want to hear more data first

draft-bellis-dnsext-multi-qtypes: Ray Bellis
        Limited to one QNAME/QCLASS
        If we decide not to do any mulitple-query proposals, we should write a 
document why
        John Levine: What if you're getting a CNAME back?
                Has to be specified
                Mark Andrews: We can specify how to do this
        Kazunori Fujiwara: Wants a summary of why the previous proposals failed
        Ralf Weber: The only real use case is A/AAAA, the rest are not that 
useful optimizations
                Ray: Also MX/A
        David Lawrence: Likes this for A/AAAA
        Peter van Dijk: You are copying the QR bit: why?
                Ray: They certailny still exist. Helps prevent someone just 
        Shane Kerr: Can be a huge win with A/AAAA

draft-woodworth-bulk-rr: John Woodworth
        Viktor Dukhovni: Is this record available for client queries?
                John: Yes
                Viktor: This will require on-the-fly NSEC
                John: If it is not on-the-fly, the client needs to be updated
                        Should only use on-the-fly
        David Lawrence: Likes this. Don't attach this to a wildcard label.
        Teddy: It is not really a record type. Maybe it should be a directive 
instead, but then it doesn't work with AXFR.
                Maybe needs a new form of zone transfer.
        Ed Lewis: DNAME redirects but doesn't need to be signed. Just needs a 
signature on redirector.

        Tim: Read the draft because this might come up in the WG

Special Names Portion: Suzanne Woolf
        Note from the minutes-taker: If you are reading this, you *really* 
should read all the slides, including Suzanne's
        draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem: Geoff Huston
        draft-tldr-sutld-ps: Ted Lemon
        draft-wkumari-dnsop-alt-tld: Warren Kumari
        draft-cheshire-sudn-ipv4only-dot-arpa: David Schinazi
        Discussion starts
        Paul Hoffman: Doesn't like the history section because it doesn't 
quote, it retells
        Alain: Doesn't think that there are preferences in draft-adpkja, please 
send to the list
                There is a fair amont of overlap in the problems listed
                Difference: how to evaluate a particular string
        Ted: draft-adpkja covers problems with 6761, draft-tldr covers the 
bigger problem
        Alain: Might want to publish separately because they are on different 
        Joel Jaeggli: Expected an alternative draft, but thinks that adopting 
two would be bad
        Ralph Droms: Thinks draft-tldr is a superset of draft-adpkja
                Some things in draft-adpkja are not problems, but just not as 
well specified
                Which covers the larger set
                Ted: Did not cover problems with solutions
        Stewart: Thanks to Ted and Ralph
        Geoff: Part of the problem is what can be unilaterally solvable in the 
                draft-tldr cannot be addressed ourselve
        Suzanne: Maybe will have an interim soon

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