> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I honestly look forward to reading DNSOPS drafts because they are
> uniquely chatty, and this one is no exception (awesome document title,
> dude). That said,
>    This documents clarifies RFC 1034 and modifies RFC 2308 a bit so it
>    updates both of them.
> being "a bit modified" is like being a bit dead (either you're dead or
> you're not), so maybe that's TOO chatty?

Yes, agreed. How about?

"This document updates portions of RFC 1034 and RFC 2308".

> This draft was very clear to me, as a non-DNS reader. Thanks for that.
> Just for my own education,
>    But if a resolver has cached data under the NXDOMAIN cut, it MAY
>    continue to send it as a reply.  (Until the TTL of this cached data
>    expires.)
> I found myself wondering why this behavior is allowed. Is this a
> performance thing, that you continue to respond normally until normal TTL
> expiration happens with no special processing required, or is this about
> the non-tree cache implementations described in Section 6, or is there
> more to it than that? Perhaps that's worth a word or two explaining.

There was a long discussion on list about this point, but the quick summary
is that it is mostly for performance. For implementations that use a flat
data structure like a hash table, it is much more work to invalidate all
cache entries under the NXDOMAIN eliciting node. I believe Section 6 of the
draft does discuss this issue. Maybe we can make it clearer, or let us know
if you have any specific suggestions for doing so.

> In this text in Appendix A,
>    Even if the accompanying SOA record is
>    for example only, one cannot infer that foobar.example is
>    nonexistent.  The accompanying SOA indicates the apex of the zone,
>    not the closest existing domain name.
> it's not clear that this practice is OK, and (especially from the example
> that will be deleted), it seems dodgy to the uninitiated. Perhaps it's
> worth saying so clearly (if it is, in fact, OK).

The section is attempting to say that it is NOT OK to use the SOA record
owner name. We could make that clearer.

I would personally be okay with removing this section also. I can't recall
what discussion happened that caused this scenario to be included - maybe
Stephane remembers.

Shumon Huque
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