On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 01:50:05AM -0400,
 Robert Edmonds <edmo...@mycre.ws> wrote 
 a message of 28 lines which said:

> The QNAME is a domain name, but is it an owner name? There is no owned
> record data in the question section (and the entries in the question
> section are not RRs).

You're rigt, of course. Here is the new version:

<t>"QNAME": it is defined in <xref target="RFC1034"/> and
   in <xref target="RFC1035"/>, section 4.1.2, but, because <xref
   target="RFC2308"/> provides a different definition, we repeat the
   original one here: the QNAME is the domain name in the
Question section.</t>

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