On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 01:56:42AM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:

> If the IETF was setting servers that went and checked DNS servers
> and informed the operators then the IETF would be in the business
> of enforcing protocols.  At this stage I don't see the IETF doing
> that nor is this document asking the IETF to do that.
> The is a difference between innovation and not exercising care /
> lazyness.
> Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS flag you don't understand
> is not innovation.
> Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS option you don't understand
> is not innovation.
> Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS version you don't understand
> is not innovation.
> If there was anything innovative in what I'm seeing I'd be all for
> it but there isn't.

Amen.  This draft documents widely problematic behaviour that is
seen much too often.  It is good to have it all written down in
one place.


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