At Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:21:05 +0100 (CET),
Ondřej Surý <> wrote:

> > I'm not sure how you can be so sure about the author's assumption when
> > the draft itself doesn't explicitly clarify the assumption (maybe
> > based on an off-list conversation with Fujiwara-san?), but if that's
> > actually the assumption, the current draft text is IMO so confusing
> > and misleading.  In that sense I'm with Bob and Stephan, and the draft
> > should be much clearer on the assumption.
> >
> > And IMO, with the assumption *corrected*, the draft's recommendation
> > becomes even less convincing to me.
> True, those are my assumptions about the draft based on the real world
> experiences about the general mess that DNS usually is and experiences
> with implementing a DNSSEC-validating resolver that has to cope with
> such mess.
> Therefore my view is that the resolvers cannot make any assumptions that
> anything in the DNS is *correct*, but only that it's as good as it gets
> and try hard to fulfill the original query.
> I generally think that we should improve the DNS if the overall outcome
> will be a better protocol (in any of stability, determinism, reliability,
> resilience, add your own...) even if it attacks or changes the existing
> paradigms without breaking existing deployments (to a limit).

Okay, in that sense I believe we are basically on the same page, even
if we may disagree on some specifics.  I also have real world
experiences where dogmatic application of what's written in RFCs
doesn't really work well and I agree this is one such case.  I also
think draft-fujiwara-dnsop-resolver-update-00 is a good start.  It's
just that the initial version of it is so misleading (and perhaps
partly as a result of that) the recommendations aren't very

JINMEI, Tatuya

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