On 06/01/2017 17:28, Robert Edmonds wrote:

> Hi, Ray:
> The values used by the "IP Version" field should be specified:
>    IP Version: The IP protocol version number used by the client.
> Since the field is 4 bits long I would guess this field happens to be
> the same as the version field in the IP header [0], maybe with the
> restriction that the field can only take on the values 4 and 6?
> [0] http://www.iana.org/assignments/version-numbers/version-numbers.xhtml


Yes, that seems like a reasonable suggestion, although it would be a
shame to have to rev the doc if another IP version should even happen to
be introduced in the future...

I'd rather leave the question of permitted values open, perhaps with
guidance about what to do if the value is not recognised by the server
(REFUSED, perhaps?)


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