At Thu, 19 Jan 2017 13:51:33 -0500,
Ted Lemon <> wrote:

> I'm updating a document for another working group, and Ralph Droms
> in his last call comments on that document asked me to use
> "recursive resolver" instead of "caching name server", referencing
> draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis.   That document doesn't actually
> define "recursive resolver," but instead "full service resolver,"
> which means almost, but not quite, the same thing.   The document
> does use the term "recursive resolver" fairly liberally despite
> there not being a definition for it.   Given that "recursive
> resolver" is in such common use, including in this document, I think
> the document should include a definition for "recursive resolver".

I agree.  My understanding is that the original terminology draft
restricted itself to terms already defined in existing RFCs an that's
probably why "recursive resolver" wasn't given a definition.  I
thought we are now more flexible in bis, so it makes sense to me to
give a "formal definition" to widely used terms like "recursive

JINMEI, Tatuya

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