This is only about which trust anchors applies for a given name with
you have several configured with different names.  Multiple trust
anchors with the same name is still any match will do.

There are enough senarios where you want *only* the closest
trust-anchor to apply that that is what was coded.  This does however
result in occassional breakages when that trust anchor is not keep
up to date and it is only being used to provide a trust anchor for
a site in the event of a link failure.  That said if you have the
trust anchor there for link failures you *need* to keep them up to
date or they do not do their job when the link fails.  Having
validation fail is a good way to show that they are out of date and
that your processes have failed.

I don't see a reason to change from only using the deepest match.
It is the best overall strategy.  If you are getting validation
failures because the trust anchors are out of date, fix the process
that keeps the trust anchors up to date.  Once that is done worring
about DS overriding a configured trust anchor is moot.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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