At Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:05:00 -0800,
Ólafur Guðmundsson <> wrote:

> >    That is, it answers as if it is authoritative and the DS record does
> >    not exist.  DS-aware recursive nameservers will query the parent zone
> >    at delegation points, so will not be affected by this.
> >
> I hate having my own RFC thrown at me,
> but it may or may not apply as there is another corner case that I/WG did
> not consider,
> what if the NameServer is authoritative for a zone above the parent.
> In this case it has to select does it answer from the closest zone that can
> answer DS record or
> from the zone it self.
> In the spirit of being helpful to recursive resolvers the right answer IMHO
> is the referral from the
> zone above the query name.

I'm not sure if I understand you so please let me be more explicit.
Are you talking about the so-called grandparent problem case, like the
case of this thread?

>> The root servers are authoritative for and for . , but not 
>> for net

and, when this server gets a query for, it should
return a referral to net instead of NODATA answer?  (If so, I'm
confused about what you said above "another corner case that I/WG did
not consider", since of RFC3658 actually talks about that
corner case).

JINMEI, Tatuya

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