> > Speaking only for myself - I have done many BIND upgrades without config
> > file changes (and I basically expect this to work).
> i apologize, again, for the config file from last-bind8, not working in 
> all cases with first-bind9. i don't work at ISC any more, but i think i 
> can safely predict that this won't happen again.

Well now - BIND8 and BIND9 are rather different. However, I have
upgraded multiple times on BIND9 without any config change - it's
certainly possible I've been spoiled. I *did* get bitten recently
when, on a specific server with no IPv6 connectivity, I had to add

    listen-on-v6    { none; };

to get things running. But that's really my only complaint, and a
rather small one at that!

Steinar Haug, AS2116

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