On 8 Feb 2018, at 13:52, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Feb 2018, Joe Abley wrote:
>> I don't disagree with the need for more data, but I think the hole you 
>> mention is not so giant. As far as I can tell it's a result of:
> How do you know without the data?

I'm talking about the data that I have seen. I described how I thought that 
data was inadequate (not for lack of uptime statistics).

>> 1. RFC5011 support not being turned on in nameservers that have been 
>> upgraded but whose older, DNSSEC-validating configuration has been preserved 
>> across updates (most cases), and
>> 2. RFC5011 support exercising a code path that requires a writable, 
>> persistent filesystem to store an updated trust anchor, which turns out not 
>> to be available (fewer, but some cases).
> 3. gold images instantiated in private clouds
> 4. AMI images used in AWS
> 5. docker containers
> 6. kubernetes containers
> 7. old configs not getting updated unrelated to 1. and 2.

Right, I didn't see any of your cases (3) through (7).


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