> 3rd proposal
> ============
> We have one more thing which needs more manpower to be verified. Right
> now, the section 3.1.  Preconditions is:
>> 3.1.  Preconditions
>>   All of the following conditions must be met to trigger special
>>   processing inside resolver code:
>>   o  The DNS response is DNSSEC validated and result of validation is
>>      "Secure"
>>   o  The QTYPE is either A or AAAA (Query Type value 1 or 28)
>>   o  The OPCODE is QUERY
>>   o  The leftmost label of the QNAME is either "kskroll-sentinel-is-ta-
>>      <key-tag>" or "kskroll-sentinel-not-ta-<key-tag>"
>>   If any one of the preconditions is not met, the resolver MUST NOT
>>   alter the DNS response based on the mechanism in this document.
> and later 5.  Sentinel Test Result Considerations discusses how to
> interpret results, including considerations for CD bit handling between
> recursor and forwarder (we are not speaking about stubs here!).
> The current text in section 5 is written with an assumption that query
> with +CD bit cannot result in "Secure" status and thus cannot trigger
> sentinel processing, but this depends on implementation.
> E.g. Knot Resolver stores RRs in cache along with their validation
> status, so if a client(s) send query *without* CD bit, the RRs will be
> validated and then stored into cache along with its state, e.g. Secure.
> Later, when another client asks the same query but with +CD bit, the RR
> will be read from cache and its state will be Secure despite of the CD bit.
> Now, if we were literally following the version 06 of this draft, we
> would trigger the sentinel processing despite the CD bit because the
> state is Secure (as cached from a previous query). I suspect that this
> is not what authors of text in section 5 expect ...
> To counter this I propose to add another precondition:
> - CD bit in the query is not set
> IMHO it should solve the problem with implementation-specific cache
> behavior.
> Does anyone see a problem with this addition? What did I miss?

I think this is correct Petr - i.e.I agree that it would be clear to add
a further precondition that the CD bit in the query is _not_ set.

I was VERY surprised to see the opposite text sneak its way into 
a pull request, and equally surprised that a co-author of the draft
approved the request and pushed the -09 version without raising this
on the mailing list, particularly as it directly contradicts your 
message here.

The current text in -09 reads: 

   The DNS response is DNSSEC validated, regardless of whether  
   DNSSSEC validation was requested, and result of validation is        

I believe this text in the current draft is incorrect and leads to
the wrong behaviour. The idea is for the resolver to act in a manner 
that is consistent with the way it would behave in a hypothetical key
roll scenario - and if the query has the CD bit set the resolver would 
return the response without this special process.


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