On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 3:27 PM Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 3:13 PM Mukund Sivaraman <m...@mukund.org> wrote:
>> With additional-from-cache (default on), BIND will return address of
>> target of SRV if it is already in cache. The second RTT will get
>> amortized. It won't take a lot to make it fetch and return the target
>> too, if it isn't found in cache.
> ​Ah, fair nuff.
> I had tested this against a local bind instance, but didn't think to
> manually trigger the target lookup to get it into the cache.
> After doing so, it does indeed stuff it in the additional section.
> I'm not sure if my host (OS X) will make use of it, but that's a local
> issue...
> W
I just tested Google Public DNS, Cloudflare DNS, and OpenDNS.

None of them return address records for the SRV targets in the additional
section of their responses, even after priming their caches by querying the
targets first.

As for BIND, my resolver instances have been using "minimal-responses yes"
for a while, and they behave the same.

So, there might still be latency issue that could be improved ..

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