
I decided to implement draft-wessels-dns-zone-digest-02 at the IETF 102 Hackathon. As expected, it is fairly straightforward. You can see the code on GitHub:

It seems to work, although since I have no other implementation to compare against I can't be sure that the digest values are in any way correct.

In proper hackathon style there are no tests. Bugs surely abound. If you use it in production please keep a fire extinguisher handy.

I found the draft to be clear and fairly complete, although I have a few suggestions:

* It might be worth mentioning that names are expected to be
  uncompressed. It's kind of obvious, but it might trick up some

* The TTL of the ZONEMD record has to come from somewhere. It can either
  come from configuration or pulled from somewhere else (I used the TTL
  of the SOA record). This should be documented.

* It might be worthwhile giving some recommendations or even
  requirements about what to do with failures. For example, something
  like "secondary servers who receive a zone that fails a digest
  validation SHOULD NOT serve the zone".

* Having some example zones and the expected digest values would be very
  useful for implementers.

As a final note, while it is awesome to have dnspython available to do such projects, dnspython is not a joy to work with. I had a brief discussion with some other hackathon attendees and it seems to be a shared experience. I was encouraged to look at the getdns Python API, which has apparently had quite some thought in making it Pythonic. I may look at that or making a pure Python version of it at some point in the future. If you have other suggestions for DNS in Python feel free to contact me off-list (since this isn't a software development list).



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