Over in bind-users somone suggested a CIDR rDNS kludge in which you
delegate a bunch of names out of a rDNS zone to a second server,
and the second server answers them all from one zone, like this

$ORIGIN 1.1.1.in-addr.arpa.
@ SOA blah

10 NS otherserver
11 NS otherserver
12 NS otherserver

and on the other server

$ORIGIN 1.1.1.in-addr.arpa.
@ SOA blah

10 PTR foo
11 PTR bar
12 PTR baz

That is, the two zones have the same apex, and NS records point into
the interior of the second zone, not at the apex.  That works in BIND,
of course, but it seems wrong.  I am having trouble tracking down the
specification of why it is wrong.

Any sugestions?  It would fail with DNSSEC since there's no DNSKEY
to match the delegation DS, but how wrong was it before that?


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