Dear colleagues,

A few moments ago, at 1400 UTC today, 11 January 2019, ICANN's root zone 
management partner, Verisign, published root zone serial number 2019011100 with 
the RFC 5011 REVOKE bit set. As a result, KSK-2010's key tag has changed from 
19036 to 19164. In addition, the root DNSKEY RRset is now signed with two KSKs: 
the current KSK (KSK-2017) as well as the former KSK (KSK-2010). The second 
signature is required by RFC 5011 to prove possession of KSK-2010's private key 
to assert the revocation. This second signature makes the response to a query 
for the root zone's DNSKEY RRset increase in size from 1414 bytes to 1425 bytes.

We don't expect any operational issues from this change. The DNSKEY RRset size 
increase is small, and other zones currently publish considerably larger apex 
DNSKEY RRsets without apparent issue. In addition, because KSK-2010 has not 
been used for signing since the root KSK rollover to KSK-2017 on 11 October 
2018, no DNSSEC validators that are currently validating correctly can be 
depending on it.

Nevertheless, please let us know if you suspect any issues or have any 

May we also suggest subscribing to to receive 
announcements and participate in discussion about the KSK rollover process in 
particular and DNSSEC in the root zone in general.

For the root zone management partners,

Matt Larson, VP of Research
ICANN Office of the CTO

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