Tom Pusateri <> wrote:
> Sorry if that freaked you out.

I wasn't freaked out, I just thought the response was directed to the
wrong place. I didn't bring up the issue for a two-way discussion, I
wanted to see what other wg participants thought.

> and anyone is welcome to open issues if they like so I don’t think we
> need to replicate this info to the mailing list each time.

The wg mailing list is where group decisions are supposed to be taken.
I don't particularly want to have to poll another (counting the dnsop
drafts) 35 places to find out if maybe some discussion has happened.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Fitzroy, Sole: South, veering northwest later, 6 to gale 8, perhaps severe
gale 9 later in Fitzroy. Rough or very rough, becoming high for a time in
southwest Fitzroy. Rain, then thundery showers. Moderate or poor, occasionally
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