Hi all,

while still struggling with the basic ANAME processing (as described in my other mail), I wondered whether with DNSSEC, an authoritative name server MAY, SHOULD or MUST prove the non-existence of an ANAME record when it receives an A or AAAA query and no sibling ANAME record exists for the delivered address records.

My personal opinion is that there is no big harm if a man-in-the-middle silently removes the ANAME record from the response, as the returned address records should still point to some valid hosts, so I would not include it. In the case that there are neither address records nor an ANAME, the NSEC/NSEC3 record which covers the non-existing address record would also cover the ANAME, so this case is not a problem at all.

Nevertheless, I wanted to bring this to your attention just in case that you haven't considered that already (it is not clear from the spec that you did).



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