
Thanks for the detailed review. The editorial comments and security
considerations comment will be addressed in a new draft I will be

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 12:06 PM Barry Leiba <> wrote:
> I am handling this document as responsible AD, as Warren is a
> co-author and so must recuse himself.  I’m not sure how I missed the
> publication request, but miss it I did, and thanks to Warren for
> pinging me.
> Thanks for a very well-written and clear document.  I have only some
> minor editorial comments and a couple of questions, all of which can
> be addressed along with any last-call comments that come along.  I’ll
> request last call right after I send this message.
> — Abstract —
>    data can be kept in the cache beyond the TTL expiry, and also updates
>    RFC 2181 by interpreting values with the high order bit set as being
>    positive, rather than 0, and also suggests a cap of 7 days.
> The chain of “and also”s feels awkward; I would remove the first one,
> so “…TTL expiry, updates RFC 2181…”.  (I might remove the second
> “also” as well, as “and suggests” is fine without it.)  This text is
> also in the Introduction, so whatever change is made in the Abstract
> should be made in the Introduction too.

> — Introduction —
>    This document proposes that the definition of the TTL be explicitly
>    expanded to allow for expired data to be used in the exceptional
> This isn’t wrong, but for a standards-track document we would usually
> say, “This document expands the definition of the TTL to explicitly
> allow for…”.  It will be published as a Proposed Standard, so I guess
> the “proposed” part can just come from there, yes?

> — Section 3 —
>    This is again not [RFC2119]-normative
>    language, but does convey the natural language connotation that data
> In my ongoing effort to disabuse people of the idea that language has
> to have BCP 14 key words in order to be normative, I would prefer that
> this say, “This wording again does not contain BCP 14 key words,
> but…,” because I do believe the quoted text is normative.

>    Several recursive resolver operators currently use stale data for
>    answers in some way, including Akamai.
> Misplaced modifier:
>    Several recursive resolver operators, including Akamai, currently
>    use stale data for answers in some way.

>    collective operational experience is that it provides significant
>    benefit with minimal downside.
> The antecedent to “it” is unclear (it could refer to Apple MacOS or
> the Happy Eyeballs algorithm or mDNSResponder).  Better to say, “…is
> that using stale data can provide….”

> — Section 4 —
>       If the data is unable to be
>       authoritatively refreshed when the TTL expires, the record MAY be
>       used as though it is unexpired.
> I wonder if it makes sense to be more explicit here that one isn’t
> meant to keep using expired data forever, but is expected to keep
> trying to refresh it.  So, maybe?:
>       If the data is unable to be
>       authoritatively refreshed when the TTL expires, the record MAY be
>       used as though it is unexpired until an authoritative refresh is
>       successful.

Addressing along with Stephane's response.

> — Section 5 —
> “implementation dependent” needs a hyphen: “implementation-dependent”

> — Section 6 —
>    fact that no other RCODEs which a resolver normally encounters makes
>    any assertions regarding the name in the question
> Number agreement: “make any assertions”  (I would also change “which”
> to “that”, but I’m picky about using “that” to introduce restrictive
> clauses.)

>    existing cache state.  Some authoritative servers operators have said
> Either “authoritative server operators” or “authoritative servers’
> operators”; I think the former.

>    their servers are responding with errors like ServFail instead of
>    giving true authoritative answers.  Implementers MAY decide to return
>    stale answers in this situation.
> It might be good for the last paragraph in Section 4, with the
> “SHOULD”, to have a forward reference to this explanation.

> — Section 10 —
> Is another possible new security consideration that bad actors could
> DDoS authoritative servers with the explicit intent of having stale
> cached information used for longer, perhaps to extend the life of a
> cache-poisoning attack or some such?

Added wording with suggested text from Stephane.


> --
> Barry

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