top-reply clarification:

Chain-length and chain processing should not actually require more than 2
SVCB lookups, and those should only be in direct succession.
Chains involving CNAME are already handled by resolvers, so the incremental
work done by stubs would be limited to 1 or 2 iterations of the SVCB

The supported chains should be, at most, CNAME* (zero or more, no limit) ->
SVCB-alias -> {optional second SVCB-alias -> any other type | non-alias
SVCB} with a restriction that if the "any other type" happens to be a CNAME
or DNAME, that no further SVCB be expected or allowed.

Hopefully this clarifies my comments about chain length and the incremental
addition of SVCB to the chains.

I think "1 or 2" is a reasonable limit to impose *on SVCB* within chains,
without further restrictions on any other chaining that might occur during
resolution (all of which can already be handled by resolvers).


On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 12:05 PM Brian Dickson <> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 9:55 AM Eric Orth <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 3:57 PM Brian Dickson <
>>> wrote:
>>>> Being typically further away from results and with less caching,
>>>> unlimited chain following just does not seem reasonable for a stub like
>>>> Chrome, and it seems to us to have a big potential to be detrimental to our
>>>> users' experiences compared to the status quo of not following any chains.
>>> This puts the necessary and appropriate pressure on stub clients to
>>> their resolver operators, to deploy Alias-form aware resolvers.
>>> Putting in place (IMHO) hacks, to reduce or eliminate that "pain",
>>> removes ANY incentive for resolver operators to actually deploy this stuff.
>>> If resolver operators NEVER deploy this stuff, we may as well chuck it
>>> before we adopt this, since there will be literally zero benefit, while
>>> creating non-trivial amounts of cost (in terms of stub client
>>> implementations, authority-server implementations, zone owner deployments,
>>> etc.)
>>> BTW, I'm strongly in favor of this getting adopted, and getting deployed
>>> in recursive resolvers.
>>> Thus, I'm in favor of NOT having alias-form limits, even on the stubs.
>>> This will lead to much faster adoption, compared to "Real Soon Now", "Some
>>> Day", "Eventually", and "We Never Promised To Do That".
>>> (The latter set of responses paraphrased from an un-named registrar who
>>> eventually reneged on "promises" to deploy DNSSEC support.)
>> Chrome is not willing to subject its users to such an easily avoidable
>> "pain" simply as an incentive to other operators to help fix the badness.
> I'm a bit confused by the usage of "other" here. Chrome is not an
> operator, unless I am mistaken?
> You may be overstating or overestimating the amount of (perceived) "pain",
> and the reason I put "pain" in quotes in the first place, it it mostly
> boils down to the number of queries to the recursive.
> If the recursive is comparatively close to the client, the extra
> iterations should add a negligible amount of latency, well below the
> threshold of impact to user experience. E.g. a 5ms RTT would add an extra
> 5ms for a chain of 2, etc., once the resolver has obtained and cached the
> additional elements of the chain.
> The worst-case latency is only seen the first time every element of a
> chain is resolved. Even though the client (browser) does need to chase the
> SVCB component(s), it still does so through its resolver, not directly, and
> all the benefits of caching are still reaped.
>> As much as users taking a latency hit of following long chains would
>> incentivize recursives to follow the chains on their side, requiring long
>> chain following would be an even stronger incentive to browsers and other
>> stub clients to not support any HTTPSSVC alias following or maybe not
>> support standardized HTTPSSVC at all.
> As was discussed (mostly by me) up-thread, the real-world expectation on
> chains should be 2, not 1, as a median value.
> The main motivations for ANAME (within DNSOP) which were (gladly) subsumed
> by SVCB, were interoperation between different classes of providers, and
> multi-vendor operation (for reliability, availability, etc.). Those use
> cases typically REQUIRE a minimum of 2 levels of SVCB chaining: 1 for the
> internal use within a particular class of provider, plus 1 for the
> inter-operator dereference operation.
> Limiting this to a chain length of 1 (i.e. requiring SVCB to not point to
> another SVCB or CNAME) then turns into a requirement to dynamically update
> the target fields of the SVCB or CNAME, a requirement that was the death
> knell of the original ANAME spec. ANAME went through a large number of
> iterations trying to solve this issue or to limit its impact, and was
> determined to be insolvable.
> Having the client side do the chain following is the only viable
> alternative, which REQUIRES a non-trivial chain length (i.e. > 1) to
> preserve this benefit (i.e. requirement).
>> But I also disagree that all incentive for recursives to follow chains is
>> removed if stubs only follow one alias link.  Even following that single
>> alias in the stub is going to almost always be a bit slower than if the
>> recursive does it.
> The main issue that you seem to be missing here, is that it isn't about
> recursives, it is about the authoritatives who are serving the various
> records (CNAME, alias-form SVCB, DNAME, and non-alias-form SVCB). For the
> most part, they are not doing so out of laziness or as a design choice; it
> is a requirement from the domain owners who are customers of the various
> entities.
> Placing restrictions on chain length, places restrictions on those
> entities in terms of how they can select providers, and even whether
> multi-provider options are feasible.
> This is harmful to consumers, harmful to competition, and harmful to the
> larger Internet's availability and performance.
> So, please, let's look at this from the holistic and systemic level,
> rather than the myopic perspective of "just the browser".
> I'm in favor of encouraging sensible choices and best practices. However,
> IMNSHO, those belong in things like BCPs and operator guidance docs, not
> hard limits in core standards documents.
> Brian
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