Hi there,

Firstly, thank you for a well written and easy to understand document.

I have some comments which I think should be addressed before I start
IETF LC, but they are small enough that if you'd much prefer you can
just address them after during / after LC (if changes are needed), or
during IESG review.
Please let me know LOUDLY which you'd prefer.

1: Section 3: 3. Validating Resolver Behavior
I think it would be very useful to mention that this document doesn't
require any changes to the behavior of validating resolvers
themselves. It might also be worth mentioning somewhere that this is
also largely true for authoritative servers - this isn't really a
protocol change, rather an operational / process set of changes.

2: " Zone owners will want to deploy a DNS service that responds as
   efficiently as possible with validatable answers only, and hence it
   is important that the DNSKEY RRset at each provider is maintained
   with the active ZSKs of all participating providers."
This is somewhat ambiguous - it sounds like the zone owner may want to
deploy a service that is only efficient with verifiable answers (and
might be inefficient with bogus ones :-))

3: A question -- "Authenticated Denial Considerations"
Some CDNs and similar do funny things with e.g CNAMEs, or may do
something like generate ACME records or similar. What happens if
provider A creates e.g _acme-challenge.example.com (or www.example.com
IN 600 CNAME some-long-account-number.cdn.net) and doesn't tell
provider B? I understand that the owner names *should* be consistent,
but I think it is worth adding some text here along the lines of "here
be dragons" or similar...

4: The document uses one inceanse of RFC2119 language (RECOMMENDED) -
please either drop this, or add the 2119 / 8174 boilerplate.

Again, I'm willing to start IETF LC, or wait till you've posted a new
version, but please let me know.

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
idea in the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
of pants.

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