Dear Colleagues,

Like you, the DNSOP chairs have been adjusting to recent world events and 
considering how to continue our work as conditions change. We won’t be together 
in person in Vancouver this week for IETF 107, but we want to do what we can to 
provide the usual 3x/year opportunity for the WG to advance WG drafts, consider 
new work, and discuss the evolution of the DNS.

In order to do that, we will be holding at least some of the WG activities we 
planned for Vancouver in March and April.

This note covers:

Plans for upcoming virtual meetings
Possible DNSOP chairs office hours
Managing agenda requests (note that the internet-drafts uploads site has 
already re-opened)
Important links

It’s long but has a fair amount of information about our plans, and a couple of 
items we will be asking for input on before we commit to next steps, so please 
review carefully. In particular, we’re re-opening our call for agenda items 
(see below) so we can accommodate potential work items that weren’t proposed 
for Vancouver because people had canceled travel plans.


Some sessions originally intended for IETF 107 will be held virtually, in their 
original time slots, next week. The schedule for those sessions is at 

The IESG is giving priority in next week’s schedule to new WGs and BOFs, so 
established WGs such as DNSOP have been asked to review the recommended virtual 
interim schedule at:
 schedule interim WG meetings accordingly.

We have two suggested slots in the April proposed schedule, in accordance with 
our usual practice of two slots during a regular in-person IETF. Also as usual, 
we expect to use either or both, depending on how much work we have that would 
benefit from real-time interaction.


Note that the datatracker upload function for new internet-drafts was already 
re-opened shortly after the announcement that IETF 107 will be moving entirely 
on-line. We will ask that draft authors freeze drafts a week before any interim 
meeting, in order to allow people time to read and consider them before the 
virtual meeting.

In setting the agenda for the virtual, we will assume initial requests are 
still valid unless advised otherwise. We will also move calls for adoption 
which we might have considered in Vancouver to the mailing list, in advance of 
the interim. 

We’re hereby opening a new call for agenda items so we can accommodate any 
items that people want to discuss but didn’t propose for Vancouver because they 
had already canceled travel plans. 


We will be preparing the usual Chairs’ Slides update of work that has advanced 
since IETF 106.  We’ve had several drafts advanced to the IESG and to the RFC 
Editor. We have a few current items, and will consider new ones, but we don't 
know how busy/engaged people are prepared to be, so will take our cues from you.

We are also planning to replace some of the “hallway track” we get with 
physical IETF meetings with “virtual office hours” for the chairs and anyone 
who wants to drop by on webex. We’ll be sending out a Doodle poll to help us 
set up a couple of slots in the next few weeks; at the very least we want to 
make sure there are reasonable time slots for both Americas/European timezones 
and Asia-Pacific ones. These will be open to anyone who wants to chat with the 
chairs-- much like the IETF lounge or any hotel bar-- but we’d particularly 
like to hear from current or prospective draft authors.


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As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. 

Wishing the best to all of you and your loved ones,
Benno, Suzanne, and Tim

DNSOP mailing list

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