Reviewer: Pete Resnick
Review result: Ready

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Document: draft-ietf-dnsop-multi-provider-dnssec-04
Reviewer: Pete Resnick
Review Date: 2020-03-31
IETF LC End Date: 2020-03-31
IESG Telechat date: 2020-04-09

Summary: Ready.

Good to go. A straightforward document easy enough for this non-expert to get.
Thanks to the shepherd for a straightforward writeup; it made the review even

Major issues: None

Minor issues: None

Nits/editorial comments:

Just two comments, neither of them should stop progress on the document in any

1. I could see this document being a BCP, since the advice in here seems pretty
prescriptive. I think it will still be perfectly useful as an Informational
document, but it does seem to have important operational advice.

2. In section 3, it occurs to me that another thing you might add to the
problem list is the issue of some servers caching BAD Data. Paul Hoffman was
nice enough to point me to section 4.7 of RFC 4035. Perhaps a reference to
there from this document would be useful.

Again, take them for what they're worth. If you decide not to do either, I feel
the document could go forward as-is without a problem.

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