The Domain Name System Operations (dnsop) Working Group will hold
a virtual interim meeting on 2020-04-14 from 16:00 to 18:00 Europe/Amsterdam 
(14:00 to 16:00 UTC).

# DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group
## IETF 107

* Date: April 14, 2020
* Time: 14:00 UTC
* Webex:

* Jabber:  <>
* EtherPad: <>

### Chairs
* Tim Wicinski <>
* Suzanne Woolf <>
* Benno Overeinder <>

### IESG Overlord
* Warren Kumari <>

### Document Status
* <>

### Datatracker
* <>

# Agenda

## Administrivia
    * Agenda Bashing, Blue Sheets, etc,  10 min
    * Updates of Old Work, Chairs, 10 min

## Current Working Group Business

###  Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS
    - <>
    - Eric Nygren, 15 min
    - Chairs Action: ?

### DNS Query Name Minimisation to Improve Privacy (bis)
    - <>
    - Ralph Dolmans, 15min
    - Chairs Action: How close to WGLC?

## New Working Group Business

### Avoid IP fragmentation in DNS
    - Kazunori Fujiwara, 15 min
    - Chairs Action: Adopt?

### The Delegation_Only DNSKEY flag
    - <>
    - Paul Wouters, 10 min
    - Chairs Action: Adopt?

### Parameterized Nameserver Delegation with NS2 and NS2T
    - <>
    - Tim April, 15 min
    - Chairs Action:

### DNS Catalog Zones
    - <>
    - Willem Toorop, 15 min
    - Chairs Action:

### A Data Model for configuring Domain Name System (DNS) Zone Provisioning on 
Authoritative Nameservers
    - Willem Toorop, 15 min
    - Chairs Action:

## Reference

### BlueSheets

Attendees are asked to visit and enter your Name+Affiliation in the Blue-Sheet 
section of the DNSOP Etherpad.

### Mic Line Queue

The Mic Line will use the WebEx chat channel.  To get in the queue type q+ to 
leave type q-.
Please don’t type questions or other things into the WebEx chat channel as that 
will make
managing the queue very hard for the chairs.  Please use the Jabber channel for 
side conversations.
When you connect into WebEx you should start off as auto-muted so you’ll
need to unmute yourself to speak when called.

### Helpful Info & Prep

The IETF has prepared a couple of documents to help get everyone ready,
including a reminder that you need to register for IETF107 as a remote 
participant to join remotely.

Information about remote participation:

DNSOP mailing list

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