On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 8:09 AM Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:

> On 25 Apr 2020, at 00:30, Shumon Huque <shu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 6:21 PM Gavin McCullagh <gmccull...@gmail.com>
> wrote
> That's one way to approach it.   What I was thinking was, if the
>> registries want to dictate the TTL, that seems understandable.  But in so
>> doing, they could have a process where they dictate a lowered TTL (of their
>> choice) for a period after each change, then raise it back up to normal in
>> order to reduce the impact of mistakes/problems.   A "bake period"
>> essentially.  The timers would be argued about of course, like all magic
>> numbers, but something conservative like an hour would seem like a major
>> improvement on today.  Hypothetically, would you consider that would
>> improve your use case?
> Based on my experience, I doubt that registries would do this. I could be
> wrong though, and perhaps we should ask and get them to respond to your
> suggestion. But to answer your last question, the draft that has been
> proposed is not about improving my own personal use case(s).
> As a contracted registry operator, we will do whatever the contract tells
> us to do.
> However, it might be that centralising the requirements for this kind of
> new mechanism in the form of legal contracts with ICANN, back-end registry
> providers, etc might not be the most efficient way of deploying anything.
> There are also many TLDs that are not contracted parties and who (properly,
> sensibly) make their own decisions. If part of the goal is simplicity
> through consistency, this seems like a poor approach.

Thank you Joe. In case it wasn't clear to others, my earlier expression of
doubt was based on what I felt registries would be willing to do, if not
contractually obliged to. I wasn't advocating Gavin's idea, but was
interested in the view from registries nonetheless.

More generally, putting the TTL for the NS set effectively in the hands of
> the child zone operator provides maximum flexibility for appropriate values
> to be chosen. Concentrating a TTL policy in the parent for all child zones,
> regardless of downstream operational circumstances or personal preference,
> seems a lot less flexible.
> With a child-centric approach, the NS RRSet TTL in the parent zone relates
> to the parent infrastructure and is useful until the child can be reached,
> at which point it can be replaced a value that makes sense for the child
> infrastructure. This seems intuitive, simple and sensible.

Yes, I agree with this. (I also agree with Paul's qualification that we
might be wise to avoid the use of the child/parent centric terms since the
proposal on the table is about judicious use of information from both

Shumon Huque
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