On Tuesday, 28 April 2020 01:02:27 UTC Shumon Huque wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 2:57 AM Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:
> > ...
> The DNSSEC specs have always contemplated validating stub resolvers.
> I think the Kaminsky cache poisoning scare inadvertently focussed our
> efforts on solving the DNSSEC-to-RDNS problem to the exclusion of other
> more complete possibilities.

stub resolvers were thrown overboard in order to get DS working.

> There has certainly been work on validating stubs on the margin though:
> getdns, stubby, etc, but those are only used by a small minority of tech
> savvy users (as far as I'm aware).

as long as the configured RDNS is DS-aware, yes. if the RDNS is older than 
that, and if there's a firewall preventing the stub from talking directly to 
authorities, there's no way for a stub to learn the DS part of the signature 
chain. so, a stub resolver needs a completely modern RDNS to work. this has 
not scaled, and won't.

> The one significant impediment cited for validating stubs is the middlebox
> last mile problem. Here again, there has been attempted work, e.g. the
> TLS DNSSEC chain extension for TLS enabled applications. And DNS
> over TLS/HTTPS could prove to be an enabler for validating stub resolvers
> to obtain a clean, unmolested path to an upstream recursive service.

i agree that if we change most of the rules, we can get a different outcome.


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