On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 9:44 PM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> In article <yblr1w438fb....@w7.hardakers.net> you write:
> >Yep, I suspect some of the bigger TLDs probably couldn't opt in to this
> >draft simply because they're full of, um, "history".  Until that history
> >is cleaned, they probably couldn't deploy it.
> It's not just history.  All of the nominet TLDs and many Verisign TLDs
> have signed A records that are clearly deliberate.  There's also a fair
> number of TXT records named zz--zz.<domain> that have some sort of info
> about when the zone was updated.
> I think it's benign to allow any sort of record as an immediate child
> of the domain, since you need to go two levels down for split zones.
> That handes the nominet and zz--zz cases.
> R's,
> John
Is there any chance that a user trying to reach https://example.com could
get the orphan glue A record for example.com instead of the A record in the
real zone?
(Just trying to think of cases where orphan glue might make a difference.)

Bob Harold
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