On 18/06/2020 08:04:47, Petr Špaček <petr.spa...@nic.cz> wrote:

On 16. 06. 20 13:00, Petr Špaček wrote:
> On 12. 06. 20 17:12, Tim Wicinski wrote:
>> All,
>> As we stated in the meeting and in our chairs actions, we're going to run 
>> regular calls for adoptions over the next few months.   We are looking for 
>> *explicit* support for adoption.
>> This starts a Call for Adoption for draft-arends-private-use-tld
>> The draft is available here: 
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-arends-private-use-tld/
>> Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption by 
>> DNSOP, and comments to the list, clearly stating your view.
>> Please also indicate if you are willing to contribute text, review, etc.
>> This call for adoption ends: 26 June 2020
> I support adoption but share opinion that the document should not be 
> published as is.
> Rationale:
> - People are going to squat on global DNS no matter what IETF does.
> - This document is an opportunity to:
> a) Say "squating is a bad idea, see RFC 8244 and think it through" before you 
> decide to squat.
> b) Highlight _already reserved_ (by ISO) TLD strings for people who ignored 
> warning in point [a] above.
> c) I believe that side-effect of getting people _who insist on private TLD 
> anyway_ one of 40-something strings instead of "pick your 
> not-really-random-TLD" can lead to decrassing traffic to root and easier 
> monitoring in practice as caching should work better (either with query name 
> minimization or aggressive use of cache).

An off-list reply indicates that I was not clear so I'll attempt to clarify my 
previous message. In my mind the document should say:

1. _If possible_ use a subdomain you own, it will save you headache later on 
(e.g. when you decide to set up VPN to your supplier, but I do not insist on 
this specific example).
2. If you think you need non-unique private subtree read list of problems 
listed in ... [link to some other document] and think again.
3. Never ever squat
4. If this document did not change you mind use one of /zz/



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