On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:31 AM Vittorio Bertola <vittorio.bertola=
40open-xchange....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> > Il 01/01/2021 19:42 Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> ha
> scritto:
> >
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > On 01/01/2021 17:58, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> > > The WG has already adopted the revised GOST document as a WG item;
> > > what you are proposing (if the current use is negligible) would be in
> > > the opposite direction.
> > I wasn't "proposing" that, just posing it as a possible
> > option that might or might not be sensible to consider
> > depending on the facts relating to usage if/when we can
> > get 'em. Absent usage information, I'm not at all sure
> > whether or not any change from the status quo is warranted.
> We could ask the proponents of new algorithms for information on current
> or expected usage. However, if adoption is relevant to any kind of decision
> on what to do with an algorithm proposal, this should better be formalized
> somewhere and applied evenly to all algorithms that may appear in the
> future. Personally, I think that some expectation of adoption would be
> useful not to clutter the list of algorithms, but the threshold should be
> quite low.
> Also, as the IETF is the global SDO for DNS, it should make sure to
> encompass the needs of all Internet communities around the world. If a
> local community wants or needs for any reason to use a "globally
> non-standard" algorithm, there should be ways for this to happen without
> asking them to prove adoption of that algorithm on a global scale. Eric's
> points on fragmentation, implementation burden, potential incompatibilities
> are valid, but they should play out at usage level, not at the
> standardization one.

This seems to conflate standardization with code point assignment.
Standards are recommendations and our recommendation is that people use
particular algorithms. As the example of TLS shows, we can allow that
without standardizing those algorithms.

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