On Mon, 10 May 2021, Joe Abley wrote:

   $ORIGIN example.com
   @   SVCB   1 foo
   ; a.k.a.   ipv6hint=2001:db8::5c5c:2c00

A zone owner/editor would never even think of typing in IP addresses
like that.

Right, but an attacker who wants to take advantage of the impact of that 
observation in the construction of some parser might, which is why it's a 
security concern.

Some DN / RDN / CN parsing tools have hthis issue too and some allow a
comma with an additional masking comma, eg  OU=testing,,security, O=Mayhem

Then other code can just never ever allow masking, double masking,
backslshing, single or double quotes or what not.


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