
The chairs have been doing prep work for the upcoming IETF meeting; one
issue that we are working on is reaching out to authors whose working group
documents have recently expired. While doing this, Benno did some
datatracker stuff and ended up with this list

Which goes back to 1999 and has lots of old cruft.

We chatted with our IESG Overlord Warren, and we're looking at gracefully
removing drafts we’re unlikely to work on or advance from the datatracker’s
view of the WG. The intent is that they won’t clutter a list that’s
supposed to help WG chairs and contributors track what we’re actively
working on.

Our plan is to release from the WG all drafts that were last updated prior
to 1 January 2016. This action may create some emails to the mailing list
or the authors, and we want to make you aware of this before we start.

All documents from 1 January 2016 onward are open for discussion.   For the
older documents that are left - if someone wishes to take them on, please
reach out.


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