Dear Colleagues,

We've got a couple of notes to share in advance of IETF 113.

First, please get your requests for DNSOP agenda time to the chairs as soon as 
you can. Our preliminary agenda is due to the secretariat by 9 March (see

Note that the drafts deadline is 7 March (two weeks from today). Please get new 
drafts you want the WG to consider submitted by then, or update earlier drafts 
if you've gotten feedback you haven't integrated yet. This helps us set 
priorities for agenda time.

The preliminary schedule is out (see but "preliminary" is "mostly 
final," since it represents a solution to a complex game of "calendar and hotel 
facility tetris".  You will note that this time, DNSOP has one time slot, 
Tuesday morning at 10am-noon (local time in Vienna).

We only requested one slot, partly to help the secretariat with the tetris 
problem (fewer slots than usual for the hybrid meeting) but mostly because we 
believe the interim meetings we’ve been holding have spread out the workload 
for the WG so we don't really need two. This is an experiment; if it turns out 
one isn't enough, we'll reconsider for the next IETF.

Finally, we found the poll we did late in 2021, asking WG participants for 
their views on various drafts we'd already adopted, was very helpful, so we 
expect to run another poll before IETF 113. We have a distinct process for 
deciding what drafts to adopt, but the poll provides us with some guidance on 
priorities among work items. We'll send details in another message soon.

Benno will be in Vienna, and is looking forward to seeing any of you who are 
there. Tim and Suzanne regret that they'll be participating remotely, but hope 
to see you at IETF 114.

Much thanks,
Suzanne, Benno, and Tim

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