I'm concerned about this.  Concretely, this seems like it would raise a
major barrier to rolling out new algorithms.  For example, any zone that
offers ECDSA and RSA signatures would be insecure for any RSA-only
resolvers.  It's hard to see how new algorithms could be adopted at scale
if this rule were in place.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 4:42 PM libor.peltan <libor.peltan=
40nic...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Hi Ulrich, dnsop,
> thank you for your effort in improving DNS.
> This is a follow-up to your proposal on easing the requirements by
> RFC4035, which say, in short, that if there's a DS of an algorithm,
> there must be a complete DNSKEY set of that algorithm, and if there is a
> DNSKEY of an algorithm, the whole zone must be signed by RRSIGs of that
> algorithm.
> The counter-proposal is to only require at least one valid
> DS-DNSKEY-RRSIG path to sign each RR in the zone. I understand how this
> would enable multi-signer setups with the signers supporting different
> algorithms, which in turn is beneficial to enable smooth transitions
> between such signers.
> Let's suppose we go this way. How do we specify the validator behaviour
> when there are algorithm A and B DNSKEYs, just algorithm B RRSIGs, and
> the validator only understands algorithm A, but not B? I guess BOGUS
> will be no longer proper here, we would probably stick at INSECURE. Am I
> correct?
> Now a different scenario. There are algorithm A and B DNSKEYs, the whole
> zone is also signed by both alg A and B RRSIGs, and the validator only
> understands alg A. Some man-in-the-middle attacker intercepts the
> answers by fiddling with the records, while removing algorithm A RRSIGs
> from the packets. The validator ends up with INSECURE and lets the
> attacker poison some cache...
> With current DNSSEC requirements, it is enough for security if there is
> any intersection between the algorithms which the zone is signed by, and
> the algorithms supported by the validator, respectively. With your
> proposal, it would be required that the validator supports all the
> algorithms, which the zone is signed by.
> I agree that in case the zone is signed by just one algorithm
> (occasionally being rolled-over to just one different one), these
> conditions are equivalent. Fortunately, it did not happen yet (or I'm
> not aware of), that the existence of different validators with distinct
> sets of supported algorithms forced signers to permanently sign zones
> with two algorithms in parallel. The question is, if it remains so for
> the future. I can't imagine what would happen in case of a "post-quantum
> apocalypse", maybe it wouldn't be a problem, but it might.
> It would also cause the paradox and indeed creepy security quirk, that
> if you sign your zone with one more algorithm, which is
> cryptographically strong but poorly adopted (perhaps experimental), it
> will result in _less_ security. Hardly anyone does this, but if they do,
> they will be surprised, I think.
> Just to be clear, I don't want to fight against your ideas. I'm just
> pointing at possible problems that could emerge.
> Thanks,
> Libor
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