I favour #3 over #2 on the basis that you can't reasonably put the "how to 
convert" text into a registry.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022, at 20:19, Ben Schwartz wrote:
> The latest draft of the SVCB specification says [1]
>>   Entries in this registry are subject to a First Come First Served
>>   registration policy ([RFC8126], Section 4.4).  The Format Reference
>>   MUST specify how to convert the SvcParamValue's presentation format
>>   to wire format and MAY detail its intended meaning and use.
> IANA initially approved this text, but after it was highlighted during 
> IESG review [2], IANA determined that this text is not compatible with 
> IANA policy [3] because it requires too much technical judgement during 
> registration processing.
> This leaves us with several possible options:
> 1. Change the MUST to SHOULD, or otherwise indicate that IANA is not 
> expected to enforce anything about the contents of the format 
> reference.  Registrations might appear without a suitable format 
> reference, resulting in keys that are difficult to parse and serialize 
> interoperably (e.g. same zone file produces different results in 
> different authoritative server implementations).
> 2. Change the registration policy to Expert Review, relying on the 
> designated expert to enforce this rule.  Registrations might be 
> processed more slowly.
> 3. Change the registration policy to Specification Required.  This is 
> similar to #2 but incorporates formal guidance about what kinds of 
> documents qualify as a "specification" (e.g. must be "permanent and 
> readily available").  Note that this is not "RFC Required": any 
> individual I-D is considered a qualified specification as soon as it is 
> uploaded to the Datatracker.
> Personally, I favor #3.  What do you think?
> --Ben Schwartz
> [1] 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https-08#section-15.3.1
> [2] 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/73Pa2Dipc5uW2gdqzIvObcLRn9k/
> [3] 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/Z62e6s0-Tmh0CC9XcS7FHRneJt8/
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