John Levine wrote on 2022-08-01 15:22:
It appears that Paul Vixie  <> said:
i'm particularly interested in whether the root zone should have an NS
for the private-label tld(s) (.alt or ._alt or whatever) with an NS of
"localhost" and a dnssec "opt out" indicator so that these private tlds
can fit into the authenticity infrastructure.
Why?  If you're going to hack in your local names, why wouldn't you hack
in your local DNSSEC anchors at the same time?

that's the Yeti-DNS approach and it works but it doesn't support mobility with forwarders and is thus mostly a proof of concept. for scale, it's necessary to augment the namespace without a locally modified and signed root zone, and do it all in the resolver.

let's go back to the earlier part of the above-excerpted message:

+1. the namespace will be locally augmented. we should describe a way.

dnssec is somewhat viral, in that the one true root zone will contain negative proofs for label ranges where nothing is known to exist. for local augmentation to scale, the one true root zone should admit that a few carve-out delegation points exist, and should specify that the content inside those delegations isn't signed.

if a mobile forwarding resolver is going to see content from the one true root and also content from its own local content, we should take pains to ensure that the assertions from the one true root do not conflict. while a recursive validator could possibly be educated in how to live with a foot in each world, an application validator (such as DANE) probably cannot be so educated.

"the namespace will be locally augmented. we should describe a way."

P Vixie

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