On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 7:20 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Oct 2022, Suzanne Woolf wrote:
> 1. As far as I can tell, this draft does not comply with RFC 6761. This is
> a problem for two reasons.
> One could advance the 6761bis proposal document first, which would remove
> these non-compliance items as those would be no longer needed
> (as the bis document proposal removes it as these were not consistently
> required in the past). Alternatively, ignoring it wouldn't be the first
> time these are ignored, so I guess there is a precedence of ignoring it.
> For example, the draft says that DNS resolvers seeing .alt names "do not
> need to look them up in the DNS context”, but a big part of the point of
> codifying these names is the assumption that queries will leak and DNS
> servers will see them. (“Do not need to” isn’t even “SHOULD not”.) It’s
> implied that .alt is simply not in the public DNS root zone and the root
> servers (or better yet, any intermediate resolver) should answer “name
> error”/NXDOMAIN for such queries. But this should probably be said
> explicitly, because people who configure DNS servers and services shouldn’t
> have to guess what’s being implied here. (The WG discussed the possibility
> that such queries should be blackholed and not answered at all, which is in
> some ways an obvious answer. Clarification of why this was discarded might
> also be helpful.)
> I think it draft would be better if it said something along the lines of:
> No code changes are required to properly handle leaked queries for .alt
> into the DNS, but:
> 1) Implementations MAY handle .alt specially by (pre)fetching the proofs
> of non-existence of .alt and serve these for all .alt queries.
> 2) implementations MAY rely on their query minimalization to accomplish 1)
> 3) or MAY do nothing special, which should work fine but might leak SLD
> queries to the root if the implementation and its querier didn't do query
> minimalization)
> 4) MAY return FORMERR on .alt queries that in some ways violate the DNS
> specification (so that no code changes are mandatory to support the madness
> .alt queries could bring in, eg >63 SLD names)
> 2. Having the IETF maintain a registry of pseudo-SLDs concerns me
> Me too, I really do believe that the IETF should not do this. It is an
> anchor for non-IETF hooks. There is no guarantee of uniqueness in names.
> Some alternative sysytems might even use .alt without SLD. Basically,
> .alt is what IETF recommends you should not do, and we should not keep a
> registry of entries within it.
> But also, IETF maintaining a list might open it up for legal liabilities
> with alternative naming systems. The whole idea of the ICANN/IETF split is
> that ICANN does money and legal stuff, and IETF does codepoints and running
> code (with no money) :P
> So I disagree with Eliot who prefered some kind of FCFS registry that
> requires RFCs to get an entry. We do not want alternative naming systems to
> require (and burden) the IETF with RFCs.

<no-hats (still!)>
#include <terseness-apology-at-nanog.h>

I'll note that I was one of the people initially pushing for a registry - I
wanted to be able to lookup 'foo.alt' and see that I should read the
specifications "The foo naming system", available on GitHub at <url> (and
possibly also "foo-names - the protocol" available at <some url>).

1: as we've already seen, nothing stops people from just using whatever
names they want[0], and so there is no guarantee that registry would be
complete and correct.
2: if this happens to be widely used, we might end up with lots and lots of
names using this, and having e.g the IANA maintain this has costs - even if
they just note "FooNet says that they use foo.alt and their specification
is at https://www.the-foo-project.example/foo-names.html";, this has costs.
I really don't want us to end up with a "success failure".

Having something like a list of what to read to understand how to resolve
bar.foo.alt still seems useful, but it could (IMO) just be a list on GitHub
that someone is willing to manage (similar to the PSL (
https://github.com/publicsuffix/list), but purely informational, and with
no real validation/work. And, no, I'm not volunteering to run this).

[0]: I just changed the hostname on my laptop bar.foozle.wobble.alt, and
there is nothing you can do to stop me… (actually I didn't, but I could


> 3. A couple of nits (p. 2): the definition of “pseudo-TLD” uses the term
> “registered” differently than common usage. Judging from searches on RFC
> 6761 and RFC 8499, it’s ambiguous for DNS naming and resolution, and
> “registered” can definitely mean something different to a registry or
> registrar than it does to a DNS operator. To people who operate TLD
> registries, a name can be “registered” and still may or may not be
> delegated. (“Label” is defined in 8499,
> “register” and “delegate” are not.) And, in the reference to “TLD,” it
> feels strange to expand the acronym to
> “Top-level label” even if “label” is the right word for what you’re
> talking about.
> "pseudo-TLD" is not a good word here to refer to .alt, as other common
> SLD's that are open to generic registration are often called pseudo-TLDs,
> such as .uk.com.
> Paul
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