Thank you for your reply Shivan,

Your comment cleared some things up for me:

> The draft surveyed several widely deployed techniques and synthesized best 
> current practices. The technique you're proposing is a new technique, and 
> worth considering in its own separate document by the DNSOP working group.

It's now clear that our technique is not widely deployed and so I understand 
that it might not be relevant for a Best Current Practice document. I think 
this could be a lack of understanding on my part about how BCP documents work 
and so I'll do some reading on that.

Thanks for your help,


------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 at 23:03, Shivan Kaul Sahib 
<> wrote:

> Hi Elliott,
> On Wed, 24 May 2023 at 14:52, <> wrote:
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 21:22, Paul Wouters 
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 5:49 PM <> wrote:
>>>> Dear DNSOP WG,
>>>> My company has developed a domain verification technique using DNS, it 
>>>> fits the abstract of draft-ietf-dnsop-domain-verification-techniques.
>>>> I am writing to ask the WG's opinion on whether our technique is within 
>>>> the scope of the current draft and if so, whether it should be considered 
>>>> for inclusion.
>>> Thanks for reaching out to DNSOP.
>>>> Our technique is outlined here:
>>>> You can see an example DNS TXT record by using the following dig command:
>>>> dig 
>>>> TXT
>>>> Although our method fits the draft's title and abstract, it is quite 
>>>> different to the method detailed in the best current practice of the draft.
>>> Indeed. While the current draft's methods could be fully automated, your 
>>> method specifically calls out for verification via
>>> a phone number or email address which more or less assumes a human operator.
>> The current draft's methods (Service Provider: instructing a domain owner to 
>> create a DNS TXT record; Domain Owner: creating the DNS TXT record) are 
>> automated on the service provider side, but in my experience it is very 
>> rarely automated on the domain owner side.
>> On the domain owner side, there is a human operator following the 
>> instructions and creating the DNS TXT record.
>> Our method does involve an extra step of verification (e.g. verifying an 
>> email address), but in practice this extra step has often already been 
>> completed when the domain owner set up a user account with the service 
>> provider.
>>> It therefor works indirectly and all the
>>> "verification" parts are out of scope handled inside the SMS / email / 
>>> phone call messages that would be required.
>>> As such, I do not think it belings in the current draft, but should be 
>>> submitted as a separate draft.
>> I am very open to submitting it as a separate draft and I am interested in 
>> the thoughts of the WG around whether the abstract of the current draft (and 
>> possibly title) should be narrowed to make it clear the domain verification 
>> techniques included in the current draft are for one-time only / service 
>> provider specific domain verification.
> I agree with Paul that this seems like a separate draft that should be 
> considered on its own by the WG.
>>>> It is our ultimate goal for these records to be created by domain 
>>>> registrars upon domain registration (with registrant opt-in) to provide 
>>>> their customers with seamless onboarding when adding their domain to 
>>>> service providers.
>>> I wonder if that goal is achievable. In a way, the SOA record also contains 
>>> a contact email for the domain and is basically no longer used by anyone.
>> The zonemaster is not the domain owner in the vast majority of cases. I 
>> think there's a variety of reasons this email address is no longer used by 
>> anyone, including: it is in plaintext so easily discoverable; there are 
>> better ways to contact the administrator of a DNS zone.
>>> Hashing the contact info is only a very wea protection, as we have seen 
>>> with people bruteforcing NSEC3 hash chains.
>> We hash the email/phone and store it in the DNS label itself so that it 
>> cannot be easily harvested by spammers. We don't use hashing for any kind of 
>> protection against a threat.
>>> And also, I think
>>> these type of records will also go stale and then not very useful.
>> These records will naturally be removed when a domain expires or changes 
>> registrant, so I think the risk of stale records for a domain owner is quite 
>> low. Records for third parties can have expiry dates, so I think this should 
>> avoid stale records for third parties.
>>> And so another fallback mechanism will be required anyway. So perhaps using 
>>> that fallback to start with would be better. (I guess you could add some 
>>> application code to verify email addresses on signup requests, but I doubt 
>>> this is all going to me that much easier than "take this DNS record and 
>>> tell your IT to publish it for a few days" that the current draft uses.
>> I would argue that the service providers that verify the most domains 
>> already verify email addresses on sign-up. And so, once the Domain 
>> Verification Protocol record is in place – whether it's been setup by the 
>> domain registrant, registrar or a previous service provider – domain 
>> verification becomes "automatic" and significantly easier than "take this 
>> DNS record and tell your IT to publish it for a few days".
>> I have provided an explanation of the process below:
>> 1. Bob signs up with using emailbob@gmail.comand 
>> registers the available domain[](
>> 2. configures a Domain Verification record by 
>> hash: 123ABC) and stores this record at 
>> 123ABC._[](
>> 3. Bob signs up with Service Provider 1 using his emailbob@gmail.comand 
>> verifies his email. He attempts to add the 
>> domain[]( the service provider
>> 4. Service Provider 1 runs a Domain Verification check for the 
>> domain[]( hashing Bob’s email 
>> (> 123ABC) and using this in a dns query:
>> dig 123ABC._[](
>> 5. If a valid record is returned then Domain Verification is successful.
>> 6. Bob can claim[]( multiple service 
>> providers using the same steps above, without adding any DNS TXT records.
>> In the example above, the Registrar creates the record but this record could 
>> also be created by Bob himself under instruction from the first Service 
>> Provider he uses. Subsequent Service Providers could re-use the same record.
>>>> In accordance with BCP79, I am disclosing the following patents which 
>>>> relate to our technology:
>>>> Patents related to storing a hash of a verifiable identifier (email, 
>>>> phone, etc) in DNS for the purposes of verification:
>>>> - UK granted patent:
>>> I believe that RFC 7929 - DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities, of 
>>> which I am the author, constitutes prior art for this patent.
>>>> - US pending patent:
>>>> Patents related to storing a hash of a verifiable identifier as a DNS 
>>>> label for the purposes of verification:
>>>> - UK pending and unpublished patent: 
>>> I believe both the aforementioned RFC 7929, as well as RFC 7671: The 
>>> DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities,
>>> constitute prior art for this patent.
>> Thanks and noted.
>>>> - US patent to be filed.
>>>> As I understand it, this disclosure is a condition of contributing to the 
>>>> discussion. For the avoidance of doubt: I am not asserting any rights over 
>>>> the methods discussed in the current draft at all – only our new method 
>>>> being proposed for inclusion.
>>>> We are still working on licensing but creating Domain Verification records 
>>>> will always be free for domain registrants or registrars, service 
>>>> providers will require a license to verify domains using the protocol.
>>> Note that the IETF strongly leans towards only using patented technology if 
>>> that technology is licensed using an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty free 
>>> and non-discriminatory license. Your indication that service providers 
>>> cannot use this technology without paying royalties would not be compatible 
>>> with that goal.
>> I am new to this so my apologies if I've misinterpreted something, but In 
>> RFC8179 I noted the following, particularly (b):
>> "Since IPR disclosures will be used by IETF working groups during their 
>> evaluation of alternative technical solutions, it is helpful if an IPR 
>> disclosure includes information about licensing of the IPR in case 
>> Implementing Technologies require a license. Specifically, it is helpful to 
>> indicate whether, upon approval by the IESG for publication as an RFC of the 
>> relevant IETF specification(s), all persons will be able to obtain the right 
>> to implement, use, distribute, and exercise other rights with respect to an 
>> Implementing Technology a) under a royalty-free and otherwise reasonable and 
>> non-discriminatory license, or b) under a license that contains reasonable 
>> and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including a reasonable royalty 
>> or other payment, or c) without the need to obtain a license from the IPR 
>> holder (e.g., a covenant not to sue with or without defensive suspension, as 
>> described in Section 7)."
>> As per (b), our technology will be offered "under a license that contains 
>> reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including a 
>> reasonable royalty or other payment".
>> I understand the IETF might lean towards non-proprietary technology or 
>> proprietary technology that is freely-licensed.
>> I suppose my question, and the reason for contacting the IETF boils down to 
>> whether or not the draft (with it's current title and abstract) is aiming to 
>> be complete in it's consideration of "Domain Verification Techniques using 
>> DNS". If so, I would argue our method should be considered for inclusion.
> I disagree, the draft has been adopted as a Best Current Practice document 
> (see the intended status in the boilerplate). The abstract currently says:
> Many services on the Internet need to verify ownership or control of
> a domain in the Domain Name System (DNS). This verification is often
> done by requesting a specific DNS record to be visible in the domain.
> There are a variety of techniques in use today, with different pros
> and cons. This document proposes some practices to avoid known
> problems.
> The draft surveyed several widely deployed techniques and synthesized best 
> current practices. The technique you're proposing is a new technique, and 
> worth considering in its own separate document by the DNSOP working group.
>> If instead it is intended to standardise the method widely used over the 
>> last 10-15 years then I wonder whether the draft and abstract should be 
>> narrowed to make that clear.
> I think the Intended Status and Abstract together make this clear.
>>>> This is my first time contributing to the IETF, please forgive me for any 
>>>> accidental transgressions – I am here to contribute as productively as 
>>>> possible.
>>> Welcome and thanks for coming to the IETF to make the internet work better 
>>> :)
>> Thank for the time and consideration you've given to this.
>>> Paul
>> Best regards,
>> Elliott
> Thanks,
> Shivan
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