> -----Original Message-----
> From: I-D-Announce <i-d-announce-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of
> internet-dra...@ietf.org
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 12:02 PM
> To: i-d-annou...@ietf.org
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] I-D Action: draft-hollenbeck-regext-epp-delete-bcp-
> 01.txt
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> Internet-Draft draft-hollenbeck-regext-epp-delete-bcp-01.txt is now
> available.
>    Title:   Best Practices for Deletion of Domain and Host Objects in the
> Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
>    Authors: Scott Hollenbeck
>             William Carroll
>             Gautam Akiwate
>    Name:    draft-hollenbeck-regext-epp-delete-bcp-01.txt
>    Pages:   16
>    Dates:   2023-09-19
> Abstract:
>    The Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) includes commands for
>    clients to delete domain and host objects, both of which are used to
>    publish information in the Domain Name System (DNS).  EPP includes
>    guidance concerning those deletions that is intended to avoid DNS
>    resolution disruptions and maintain data consistency.  However,
>    operational relationships between objects can make that guidance
>    difficult to implement.  Some EPP clients have developed operational
>    practices to delete those objects that have unintended impacts on DNS
>    resolution and security.  This document describes best practices to
>    delete domain and host objects that reduce the risk of DNS resolution
>    failure and maintain client-server data consistency.

[SAH] [snip]


This draft has been updated to address the feedback we received, and 
reorganized to describe current known and suggested possible management 
practices. We've added Gautam as a co-author based on his contributions. 
What's "best" is to be determined.

We're still very interested in feedback. Please, take a look and let us know 
what you think. Which of the known practices should be considered "best"? Did 
we miss any options?


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