I had thought about this several years ago  (ICANN-59, Johannesburg, June 2017). I was (still am) part of the DNSSEC & Security Workshop planning committee - and live close by. Thought about an RFP, trip to IETF? etc.. My thought was for the DNS operator to signal the Parent at a well known location and send them a domain name - bit like "whois". Would probably need a reserved port number. I also manage the EDU.ZA Domain Name space - which now scans for CDS records - etc. At this time, I had a web button that customers could login to and push - which would then query the child nameservers for DNSKEY records - etc.

Perhaps "_notify" at the parent?     _notify.edu.za    on port 430 (not in use in my /etc/services) and you pass over one word - the domain that you would like checked.  Perhaps rate-limit the port by "sending IP" and "Domain" asking to be queried.

I presume people can work out who their domains parent is?  ... although a rewrite of the 'whois' binary could do the trick too.

Might even send back an OK or KO reply, OK = We accept the name and will probe you, KO = Not here thank you.

On 2023/11/08 19:05, Peter Thomassen wrote:

As laid out at the DNSOP session on Tuesday, draft-ietf-dnsop-generalized-notify (and also draft-johani-dnsop-delegation-mgmt-via-ddns) require a method for locating the parent-side endpoint (target) where the child DNS operator can send a NOTIFY for DS update (or other kind of signal).


Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
m...@posix.co.za       Tel: +27.826010496 <tel:+27826010496>
For fast, reliable, low cost Internet in ZA: https://ftth.posix.co.za <https://ftth.posix.co.za>

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