On Dec 28, 2023, at 13:34, Tim Wicinski <tjw.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  All,
> We wrapped up the second working group last call for 
> draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8109bis with no comments pro or con.
> The chairs can only assume the working group is not interested in moving this 
> work forward. 
> We are going to discuss this with Warren on our next steps here.

Wearing my co-author hat, I'm interested in what the WG wants to do with the 
changes from RFC 8109 that are listed in the latest draft. 

1.1.  Changes from RFC 8109

   This document obsoletes [RFC8109].  The significant changes from RFC
   8109 are:

   *  Added section on the content of priming information.

   *  Added paragraph about no expectation that the TC bit in responses
      will be set.

   *  Added paragraph about RFC 9471 and requirements on authoritative
      servers and the TC bit.

   *  Changed "man-in-the-middle" to "machine-in-the-middle" to be both
      less sexist and more technically accurate.

   *  Clarified that there are other effects of machine-in-the-middle

   *  Clarified language for root server domain names as "root server

   *  Added short discussion of post-priming strategies.

   *  Added informative references to RSSAC documents.

   *  Added short discussion about this document and private DNS.

   *  Added discussion of where resolvers that pre-fetch should get the
      root NS addresses.

   *  Elevated the expectations in "Expected Properties of the Priming
      Response" to MUST-level.

   *  Clarified that "currently" means at the time that this document is

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